Supremacy Games

Chapter 1356  Revisiting The Forge.

Chapter 1356  Revisiting The Forge.

A few more years went by akin to a cool breeze in spring...

The SGAlliance had unpaused their ranking systems and used all the gained SGPoints during the war for each race's contribution and created a new ranking.

This caused the void nation's ranking to skyrocket and become the fourth ruler!

It was expected as they were the busiest in this entire war due to their overbearing void armies.

Meanwhile, the human race benefited from Felix's representation yet again and was pushed to rank fifteen.

Besides the fact he slain the demon king, he was controlling hundreds of millions of void creatures with Nimo to slow down the demonic invasion in the milky way galaxy.

All of those earned points were given to the human race. Olivia and Noah's involvement in the war also played a major role and earned them an immense amount of points, which were worth cheering for.

Alongside those two drastic changes, the remaining ranks remained somewhat stable if the eliminated races weren't counted.

Felix didn't care much about such ranking at the moment, knowing that the human race would return closer to its rightful rank in the next great reset.

As for his friends? Felix had already done his part of the deal and helped Selphie obtain the wisdom eye after a brutal experimental period.

Since the illusion domain's energy was bearable, he created a cozy house for her and left her to study the runic codex in peace.

The results were just as extraordinary as Lady Yggdrasil proclaimed...Selphie had managed to extract two new lesser time spells in less than two years, which was inconceivable!

Felix was more than pleased with her results as he would be getting those new spells for free.

Since he wasn't losing anything, Felix bestowed the wisdom eye upon Olivia, Noah, and Bodidi as well.

It might not be as effective as in runic study, but it did help them in learning new elemental abilities.

Felix also spent those years in preparation for the upcoming clash.

He had fought against the darkins clones multiple times until they became predictable due to the limitation imposed by the data.

"You are more than ready to take those bastards on." Asna encouraged Felix as she watched him plan to run another useless simulation.

"I know that, but I want them dead." Felix narrowed his eyes coldly, "I have to do everything in my power to make sure that happens in our fight."

Not a single primogenitor was killed at the hands of another ever since their birth and Felix understood that if he wanted to make history, he better come strapping in with everything he got.

"Still, you are right." Felix canceled the simulation, "No matter how many times I kill their clones, it wouldn't help me much with the real thing."

Felix had already killed the darkins' clones in many unique ways in his training. While this helped him gain confidence in his ability to slay the real deal, he knew that if he based his training on the darkins, he would be blindsided.

"It's time for the final touches." Felix reached out to his bracelet and dialed a number on it.

After a few rings, the call was picked up and the deafening cacophony of a busy forge echoed in the background.

The roar of the fires, as they licked and gnawed at the raw materials, the rhythmic pounding and grinding of machines shaping the divine metals, and the sibilant whispers of steam.

"Elder Cyclope," he called, his voice slightly raised, straining to be heard over the mechanical beasts roaring and hammering out a rhythm of progress.

"What do you want, boy? Can't you hear I am busy?" Elder Cyclope replied with an impatient tone.

"I am calling to ask if the work on the divine weapon is close to completion." Felix informed him with a solemn tone, "The eventful day is soon approaching and I would like to have my weapon with me."

"Hahaha! I always knew you were destined for great things, but I would have never imagined that you will start hunting for the darkins before a century passed." Elder Cyclope laughed, his booming voice engulfed the forge's noise.

When Elder Cyclope began working on Felix's divine weapon, he could be barely mentioned in the same breath as the top ten strongest fighters in the alliance.

Yet, in less than eighty years in the real world, he was already rearing to begin his vengeance on actual primogenitors!

Even Elder Cyclope couldn't help but be left astonished by his groundbreaking speed.

"I have received great help in the elementals galaxy."

Felix confessed, unwilling to accept such credit as it made him seem like he was blessed by gods instead of spending thousands of years, bleeding, sweating, and dying to reach his current level.

"You think that's not as impressive?" Elder Cyclope chuckled, "It took primogenitors hundreds of millions of years to reach their peak before their advancements either halted or slowed down to a snail's speed. You have reached their level in less than ten thousand years and I doubt this is even your limit."

"To know that one of my few masterpieces is going to be wielded by you sets my heart at peace."

"I'm undeserving of such high honor." Felix replied with a respectful tone.

"Enough of this, if you want to come to check your weapon, accept the link."

Straightforward as an arrow, Elder Cyclope sent Felix the link and hung up the call the moment he felt that the conversation was going to waste his time.

Without delay, Felix logged in to the UVR and pressed the link, causing him to appear in Elder Cyclope's real forge as a holographic figure.

As Felix opened his eyes, the sight that met him was nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Suspended in midair by a pair of formidable, mechanical arms, a magnificent axe seemed to defy the laws of gravity and time!

The divine axe held aloft like a deity on a celestial altar, shimmered with a captivating, otherworldly glow.

The ancestral dragon's golden scales wrapped around the handle shone with a brilliance that seemed to pulse in sync with Felix's heartbeat.

Meanwhile, the root of Lady Yggdrasil, which connected the handle and the head, emanated an aura that was both soothing and intimidating, a testament to the divine wisdom that it bore!

The head of the weapon, sculpted from the rarest Nethersteel, glimmered ominously under the flickering lights of the forge.

The axe blade on one side radiated a dark, chilling promise of destruction, while the hammer on the other projected an unyielding resolve.

The potent juxtaposition of these two forces, creation, and annihilation, was a breathtaking spectacle to behold!

Felix stared at the divine weapon, the weight of what he had accomplished pressing down on him.

The dangerous adventures he had to go through to collect the materials for this divine weapon seemed to play akin to a lost movie in his mind.

Yet, not an ounce of regret was displayed in his eyes that reflected the brilliance of his end reward.

All he could utter in the end was, "It was worth it..."

"I see you have been mesmerized by this masterpiece." Elder Cyclope stood next to Felix and said with a faint smile, "It's been waiting for you to name it for a long time now, how about you give it a go?"

"Really? Is it already finished?" Felix broke out of his daze.

"Not yet, it still needs a few final touches to bring everything together, but feel free to name it." Elder Cyclopes offered, "There aren't going to be any more drastic changes."

"I see...Well, I don't think I can name it now." Felix responded, "My brain is coming out blank and I think I have to try it on first."

"That's not an issue." Elder Cyclope offered, "If you want to test it out, you can come right now."

"For real? Won't it ruin the forging process?" Felix's eyes widened in shock and a bit of excitement.

"The forging process is already over and as well as most of the divine inscriptions." Elder Cyclope smiled, "I always leave a decade or so for testing as I can't give out my work without making sure everything is perfect. You can take care of this if you w..."

"I am on my way!"

Before Elder Cyclopes could finish his sentence, Felix already took off.

Elder Cyclope chuckled and lifted his head to stare at his masterpiece...As he kept staring at it, his laugh died down until only a solemn expression remained.

"Let's hope he will be able to handle you."



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